We are stockists of Farrow & Ball and Cole & Son wallpapers and have a full selection of wallpaper books from all the current collections to look through in our dedicated paint and paper workshop.

All wallpapers are available to order with Cole & Son normally being in store within 48 hours. Farrow & Ball wallpapers are made to order in approx 7 working days.

Using a wallpaper can completely transform any new scheme in your home so its always worth looking through for something that catches your eye. Our best advice is to be bold and go for what you fall in love with!

Below are some inspirational images of just a small selection of wallpapers on offer. We also have many papers up throughout Hollingford House here which always helps to see them up and out of the books. See our SHOWROOMS section for more ideas.


Hollingford House, Toft Road, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 0PD

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